Miles apart but walking our way through lockdown together!

At inTEC every Wednesday is Wellbeing Wednesday and our Culture Champions share ideas with the rest of the business on the importance of maintaining a level of positive wellbeing (both physical and mental).

The team of volunteer Culture Champions launched the inTEC Idol’s 2021 challenge as a way to drive virtual cultural collaboration. The cross-site technology business has been split into 4 teams (a bit like Harry Potter without Slytherin!) encouraging people from all areas of the business to get to know each other, by taking part in challenges to win points. The winning team will be crowned at our all-company summer conference in July.

Culture Champion Sue Ashton came up with the inTEC Miles challenge:

“As a team we are aware it’s hard to get to know each other when you rarely meet and may not cross paths day-to-day, as so many people have taken up walking during lockdown, I thought we could link this to our wellbeing focus and encourage people to get out and about. People logged their steps over the month and virtually walked their way from our office in Manchester to those in Leatherhead and Kendal.”

Team 2 stormed the competition but more importantly peoples step count improved, plus people reported enjoying getting out and about in their local area while feeling more connected to others in their inTEC Idols team.

This month’s challenge is to take photos of whatever you are enjoying as the world opens up (a long awaited family visit, haircut or trip to a beer garden) and post them on the Culture and Wellbeing Teams channel – another way to get to know a bit more about your colleagues and get an insight into the wider team all whilst feeling more connected no matter how far apart we are.